Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nicole, I thank God for you

Nicole, I thank God for you.
We all thank Him for you.
Your mom and I were very young then.
It seemed like an accident but your were never one.
You are precious gift.
You will always be.

Life is sometimes harsh.
I wish circumstances were more favorable.
You were never at fault; I have been deficient.
I beg for forgiveness.
Calm will come.
We will get there.

Stefanie, your kid sister, yearns for you.
She loves you dearly.
You will always be her big sister.
I was a stranger to my siblings.
I pray that things work well between the two of you.
Love will bind you both.

Dad does not care less.
I am careless.
Dad is naive about relationships.
I did not have a template.
Dad is learning.
I will overcome.

Tomorrow is a new day.
A brighter day, especially for you.
I wish I could walk you through.
Nonetheless, make good of it.
You are allowed to make mistakes.
The blunders will make you a better person.

Nicole, I love you.
I thank God for you.


Anonymous said...

thank you daddy.
hope we'll see each other soon.
mahal kita!

Prodigal Son 35 said...

love you too, hija. see you soon. - Dad

Anonymous said...

That is very sweet :)

Prodigal Son 35 said...

thanks, Jeannie. it is so sweet of you too to drop by and read a bit.

Uday Kiran said...

really cool man...,.

Prodigal Son 35 said...

thanks, Uday Kiran. i'm glad you dropped by. cheers!